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Alfonsina Betancourt Blog

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Eternal search for transcendence
Spirituality Spirituality

Eternal search for transcendence

I have always been astronomical conscious. I love sunsets, sunrises (although I am more of a night owl), stargazing, looking for the moon, and finding shapes in the clouds. There is a particular mystery that involves seeing from afar and at the same time feeling wholly taken by the grandeur of nature. Looking at the sky is a humbling experience; something so powerful out there reflecting our inner world. For me, it has always been the space where science, magic, beauty, and spirit collide.

Maybe the desire to look through my window and commune with the elements has shaped my connection to the Universe. Very rightfully, it has inspired the work of poets, guided adventurers, and even initiated religious and scientific chapters since the beginning of humankind. Or perhaps it is that when you are a dreamer and romantic, it is easy to remain connected to something as far away as a star and still feel like it influences you.

Two events in the last week have made me want to untangle the role of the astronomical world in my spiritual development.

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Wishing upon a dandelion

Wishing upon a dandelion

It was a casual Spring afternoon. My son and I went for a walk around the neighborhood. He was wearing his Batman t-shirt because, what can I say? He likes super heroes.

Soon after, we started seeing many dandelions on the side of the road, a collection of yellow flowers growing everywhere. Occasionally he would grab some and placed them on a bag we were carrying for no other reason that to collect items. It didn’t take long for him to concentrate on grabbing dandelion seed heads, those delicate white globes of exposed seeds that had long been believed to contain the power of granting wishes.

My son, with his superhero shirt, started running holding a bunch of them in his hands, the passing breeze breaking each globe into tiny speckles of seeds that flew in the air. It looked magical, and my son’s laugh was the perfect soundtrack for the moment. Once he was left with only stems in his hands, we set to find more. Luckily for us, dandelions are stubborn weeds that grows everywhere.

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The wishing bone

The wishing bone

“Do you know what this is?” he asked me holding v-shaped bone in his hand.

I shook my head.

“This is a wishing bone,” he added as if he was holding a long sought-after treasure.

“What is that for?” I asked, my curiosity awakened.

He asked me to hold one side of it while he held the other.

“We are both going to pull this bone. The person that gets the bigger part will have a wish come true.”

I smiled, unsure if that was some kind of trick. He insisted I held one side.

“Now, you need to make a wish,” the butcher in the blood stained smock said.

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