Happy valentine’s day!

Thinking today that in this era of fact-checking, google, Wikipedia, biased media, and even Alexa, there is only one place where the facts are not as important as the perceived truths: relationships. In every relationship bonded by love and/or affection, what we do and say does not hold the most value if it is not aligned with how it is perceived. We can be as good as we think we are, as loyal as we strive for, and as affectionate as a teddy bear, but if the other end does not perceive it as that, then the message gets lost in translation. So for all the lovers out there, don’t be content with sending the right message. Make sure it arrives safely at your intended destination. Let’s this be the day we send love notes and tend to the hearts of those we love. Happy Valentine’s Day to all the lovers, to all the friends, and to all who are brave enough to love fiercely. May love follow you wherever you go!

I am leaving here one of my favorite love quotes from the movie Don Juan de Marco.


Flexibility vs Balance


The loving eye